Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Yogurt - Healthy Snack Rich Benefits

Yogurt has been known for a long time as foods made from whole milk that has been fermented by a mixture of good bacteria (friendly bacteria). Yogurt has some real health benefits: 

  • Maintaining the balance of bacteria in the body 
  • Maintain / increase endurance 
  • Maintaining the health of the digestive organs 
  • Keeping the body's regularity sewage 
  • Normalize cholesterol 
  • Prevent cancer of the digestive tract

Yogurt is a food that can be enjoyed by the various ages, even very good for maintaining healthy pregnant women. In addition, yogurt is also versatile enough to serve at any time: for breakfast, before or after meals, as a snack, or as a substitute for milk before bed. Yogurt can be served alone, mixed high-fiber foods such as muesli, oatmeal, rolled oats, or seeds, or substitute for coconut milk in a curry.

However, a lot of yogurt on the market have a high calorie content because the levels mixed with sugar, fruit, or made from full-cream milk rich in fat. To that end, here are tips for choosing the right yogurt: Choose the yogurt made from skim milk (skim milk) to ensure that low-fat yogurt Choose which not containing added fruit and / or sugar (no sugar added) Choose which contains nutrients calcium and high protein Look at the expiration dates

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